Hello World!

2 min readMay 18, 2021


It has been both an honor and my privilege to create CryptoCrawlerz, the first few months have changed my life completely. Starting from just a small idea, and growing into something much more has filled me with gratitude and appreciation.

Moving forward, I hope to expand on this project and bring joy to many through digital collectibles, whether it be insects, bugs, reptiles, or any other crawly creature.

We launched in February of 2021 on Rarible (on the Ethereum blockchain) and haven’t looked back since. Posting our NFTs weekly on Rarible has been an extremely rewarding experience, meeting community members involved in crypto-art since the beginning has been a very humbling experience. We look forward to helping these originals lay the ground work for projects in years to come for others, while also learning new things and implementing new technology into CryptoCrawlerz as it becomes available. CryptoCrawlerz has turned into a long-term project for me, and I can’t wait to put both more time and energy into it.

Since then, we have launched a secondary mini-series on Hic Et Nunc, a growing NFT platform built on the Tezos blockchain. The harmony between the platforms helps us form a bridge between our NFTs while pushing the brand forward and allowing it to become more accessible to new collectors.

There are many new things on the horizon for the CryptoCrawlerz ecosystem, such as digital wearables, AR filters and assets, rewards systems, ranking and roles systems, giveaways, NFT staking, and more!

As sales continue to increase of NFTs, CryptoCrawlerz team is able to put more time and energy into the project, and re-invest profits back into the project for further growth and marketing.

Thank you all for starting this journey with me, it is a life changing endeavor to be a digital artist in 2021 making NFTs. I am forever grateful for this oppurtunity to share my journey with all of you❤




CryptoCrawlerz is a limited edition collectible series of NFTs consisting of unique, slimy, crawly, yet loveable digital friends.